July 25, 2018 Press Releases


Peter Roskam Puts Corporate Interests Ahead of Protecting Constituents

(Downers Grove) July 25, 2018 – Last week Peter Roskam voted to slash the budgets for the EPA and Interior Department, demonstrating that his pose on protecting our drinking water is just an election-year charade. In response, Sixth District Congressional Candidate Sean Casten and Jack Darin, Director of the Sierra Club Illinois Chapter, released the following statement:

“Peter Roskam has been sending multiple campaign mailers posing as a protector of our drinking water, but the truth is he’s crying crocodile tears,”said Casten. “Meanwhile, Peter Roskam’s friends at the American Chemical Council are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars running TV ads on his behalf. Peter Roskam’s vote against clean water shows they’re reaping the reward for their support.”

“Peter Roskam’s latest vote to gut funding for clean water protection is in keeping with his very polluted voting record,” said Jack Darin, Director of the Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter. “Now that Donald Trump has literally given the keys to the EPA to those who want to take it apart, suburban families need a strong voice in Congress to stand up for clean air and water. For far too long, Peter Roskam has been the opposite – voting with big polluters and against our health and our future.”

The appropriations bill that Peter Roskam voted for repeals drinking-water protections for 117 million people. It makes deep cuts to the EPA and conservation programs like the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

The non-partisan League of Conservation Voters has given Peter Roskam a lifetime score of voting for the environment only six percent of the time. Since Donald Trump’s election, his score has dropped to three percent.

Sean Casten is a scientist and clean-energy entrepreneur. He has been endorsed by the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters as well as by many leading climate scientists and former government environmental officials.