Sean Casten Releases First Digital Ads of the Cycle
DOWNERS GROVE, IL – Rep. Sean Casten released his digital ads of the cycle today. The ads will run on Facebook, Google, and Hulu through Election Day as part of a six-figure digital buy. They are the first in a series of digital ads the campaign will run to highlight Sean’s accomplishments as a scientist and businessman in Congress.
You can watch the first ad, “Nerd”, here.
You can watch the second ad, “Cards”, here.
Campaign spokesman Jacob Vurpillat released the following statement:
“For the past two years, Sean Casten has cemented himself as Capitol Hill’s top climate nerd, kept jobs in our district, and protected people with pre-existing conditions. Jeanne Ives has spent her career fighting against the values of the 6th District. With all that’s going on in the world, we need to send our favorite nerd back to Congress.”
NARRATOR: Sean Casten – businessman, scientist, nerd.
NARRATOR: He’s working to protect people with preexisting conditions, fight climate change, and get our economy running again.
NARRATOR: With all the chaos in Washington, we need our nerd.
NARRATOR 1: Jeanne Ives gives Trump an “A” rating. Really?
NARRATOR 2: She called same-sex couples “disordered” and trying to “weasel their way into acceptability.”
NARRATOR 3: Denies the science behind climate change.
NARRATOR 4: Would roll back health care protections for people with pre-existing conditions. That’s me.
NARRATOR 1: Ives is extreme.
NARRATOR 2: Hateful.
NARRATOR 4: On the wrong side of history.