September 8, 2020 Press Releases

Sun-Times Editorial Board Releases Responses from Rep. Casten, Ives Declines

DOWNERS GROVE, IL – DOWNERS GROVE, IL – The Chicago Sun-Times’ editorial board released Rep. Sean Casten’s candidate profile on Saturday, September 5th. Rep. Casten’s opponent, Jeanne Ives, declined to submit responses.

Jeanne Ives also declined to participate in editorial board interviews with Sean Casten and the Chicago Sun-Times, the Northwest Herald, and the Daily Herald.

Campaign Manager Chloe Hunt released the following statement:
“For the past two years, Rep. Casten has taken every opportunity to keep his constituents informed as to where he stands on the issues. Between her refusal to respond to editorial boards and her refusal to participate in joint interviews with Rep. Casten, it’s clear Jeanne Ives doesn’t share this value.”

Highlights from the questionnaire are below:

Are you satisfied with the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? Why or why not? What grade would you give President Donald Trump for his handling of the pandemic, and why?

“If you grade Donald Trump on a curve, he still gets an F. We have 4% of the world’s population and almost 25% of the world’s deaths. Even in the absence of vaccines and therapeutics, there are other countries in Europe, Asia, and North America that have contained the spread of the virus through an intentional and nationally-led program of testing, tracing, and quarantine. We don’t lack technology. We don’t lack access to resources. We simply lack national leadership.”

What is the biggest difference between you and your opponent(s)?

“From my time as a CEO to my service as a member of Congress, I have always felt that with great power comes great responsibility. More specifically, the responsibility to look out for those who aren’t at the table and ensure we live up to our foundational principle of equality for all – and to do so in a way that is informed by science and facts, not by political ideology.

My opponent does not share that world view. It is no surprise that she has been endorsed by Ted Cruz, nor that she said she would give Donald Trump an “A” grade. If elected, she will be a rubber stamp for those votes of hatred and division in Washington. I give Donald Trump an “F” grade.”

To read the full questionnaire, use this link:

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