Letters to the editor are one of the most effective ways to express your support for Sean and make your voice heard on the issues you care about. Letters take only a few minutes to write, but they have the power to influence public opinion, bring attention to important topics, and raise awareness of the work Sean is doing for the 6th district.
If you’ve never written a letter to the editor, here’s a quick guide to get you started. You may be surprised how easy it is to get your name in print!
Choosing a Topic
Writing a letter to the editor is a great way to share your thoughts on a recent event, news story, or a previously-published letter.
- Write about the things that matter to you. Your letter will be most effective when it expresses your view on a subject you care deeply about.
- Read through the recent letters published by your local papers. If you see a letter that you have a strong reaction to (positive or negative), consider writing a response to it.
- If you want to raise awareness about Sean’s priorities, read through his positions on key issues that affect the 6th district, and choose one that you feel a personal connection to.
Writing an Effective Letter
- Pick the one idea that you feel is most important, and focus your letter on getting that idea across. Letters that jump between topics are less effective and less likely to be published.
- Keep your sentences short and direct. This makes it less likely that your letter will be edited heavily before publication.
- Be sure to follow the newspaper’s guidelines for length—200 to 300 words is a good target.
Amplify Your Message!
When a paper publishes one of your letters, be sure to share the link on social media. Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms can dramatically increase the number of people who see your letter. You can also help by sharing and liking other letters that you see posted on social media.
Newspaper Submission Guidelines
Chicago Tribune: Submit letters to the editor online or by email to [email protected]. Letters must be under 400 words and include your name, city, state, and phone number.
For Tribune suburban editions, submit letters to [email protected]. Letters must be under 250 words and include your name, city, state, and phone number.
Chicago Sun-Times: Submit letters using this form, or by email to [email protected]. Letters must be under 300 words and include your name, city, state, and phone number.
Daily Herald: Submit letters to the editor via email to [email protected]. Letters must be under 300 words and include your name, city, state, and phone number.
Kane County Chronicle: Submit letters to the editor online here. Letters must be under 400 words and include your name, city, state, and phone number.
Northwest Herald: Submit letters to the editor online here or via email to [email protected]. Letters must be under 350 words and include your name, address, and phone number.
Lombardian/Villa Park Review: Submit letters via email to [email protected]. Letters must be under 500 words and include your name, city, state, and phone number.
The Hinsdalean: Submit letters via email to [email protected]. Letters must be under 250 words and include your name, address, and phone number.
My Suburban Life: Submit letters online here or via email to [email protected]. Letters must be under 300 words and include your name, city, state, and phone number.
Patch: You can submit opinion pieces by registering online and submitting an article to the “Local Voices” section of your Patch. Use this page to find the Patch for your area.