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Sean Casten represents Illinois’ 6th Congressional District, located in Chicago’s western suburbs. First elected in 2018, he is the first Democrat to represent the 6th District in nearly 50 years.

Casten is focused on supporting families by fighting inflation, lowering prescription drug prices and creating good paying jobs. Casten believes in common-sense gun reforms like universal background checks that protect our children and communities. He has consistently supported legislation to keep abortion safe and legal.

Since coming to Congress, Casten has held over 70 town halls—averaging one per month—and over 400 community events.

Legislation Signed Into Law

In line with the needs and wants of constituents in the 6th District, Sean has been tirelessly working to write, support, and advocate for legislation addressing important issues for the people he represents.

Rep. Casten was integral in securing the following legislation:

Education: Making higher education more affordable and equitable for families

GRADUATE Act – President Biden Signed into Law
Sean introduced the Graduate ACT which eliminates the restriction that students can only take out federally subsidized student loans over three years for an Associate’s Degree or six years for a Bachelor’s Degree. The bill became law in December 2020.

Reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act – President Biden Signed into Law
Sean’s amendment passed into law will ensure campus faculty have the training and resources necessary to recognize victims of sexual or domestic violence and respond to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Energy: Lowering the cost of energy while fighting climate change

Clean Energy Provision – President Biden Signed into Law
President Joe Biden signed into law clean energy provisions Sean introduced. The provision will require 10% of existing and future military installations to reach net zero emissions by 2035. It will also require a report on the status of the current DoD energy security goal which aims to have the agency produce or procure not less than 25% renewable energy by 2025.

Clean Energy Funds – President Biden Signed into Law
Sean directly pushed for the following provisions that were then signed into law: $510 million for industrial decarbonization technology R&D, including implementation of the Clean Industrial Technologies Act (CITA), $500 million for battery storage technology R&D, including implementation of the Battery Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Act, and a total of $715M for the State Department to provide Bilateral Economic Assistance funding for adaptation, renewable energy development, and sustainable landscapes.

Rebuilding America’s infrastructure with union jobs

American Rescue Plan – President Biden Signed into Law
Sean helped secure over $42 Billion in funds for Illinois through the American Rescue Plan and Bipartisan Infrastructure Package. These funds help support restaurants, venues, K-12 schools, community health centers, airports and more.

Legislation Introduced

Below is a list of highlighted legislation introduced and led by Sean Casten in the 118th Congress. A full list can be found here.

Protecting Families and the Solvency of the National Flood Insurance Program Act of 2024
This bill would amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 to expand opportunities for families living in areas of high flood risk to access Federal assistance for voluntary relocation.

Voluntary Food Climate Labeling Act
This bill would direct the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a voluntary food climate labeling program.

Vehicle Energy Performance Act
This bill would incentivize the purchase of efficient vehicles.

Mental Health in Aviation Act
This bill would requires the Federal aviation Administration to revise regulations for aviators who disclose a mental health diagnosis, and for other purposes.

Exported Carbon Emissions Report Act of 2024
Sean’s Exported Carbon Emissions Report Act of 2024 would require the EPA to publish a regular report detailing the carbon dioxide and methane emissions of US fossil fuel exports to help us better understand the impact of fossil fuels around the world.

Reinforcing the Grid Against Extreme Weather Act of 2024
Sean’s H.R. 9362 would require the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to establish rules to help each region of the country be able to import enough electricity to ensure reliable access should its own grid be damaged.

Aviation Medication Transparency Act of 2024
The Aviation Medication Transparency Act of 2024 would make information relating to mental health medication available to aviators so they can better understand the impact the medication will have on their career and, in certain cases, opt for similar medications that would not pose risks to their ability to pursue their careers.

Voluntary Sustainable Apparel Labeling Act
Sean’s bipartisan Voluntary Sustainable Apparel Labeling Act would see the EPA work with apparel manufacturers to develop a voluntary label with EPA-verified information relating to the carbon footprint of a product, allowing consumers to better understand the climate impact of the items they purchase.

Sean’s REDUCE Act would allow consumers to sell their energy reduction into federal wholesale markets by eliminating the ability for certain states to “opt out” of this system. The REDUCE Act would ultimately incentivize a more consistent use of energy throughout a 24-hour period.

Blockchain Integrity Act
Sean’s Blockchain Integrity Act would make it unlawful to handle, use, or transact with digital asset mixers, technology that enables bad actors to evade US sanctions, engage in human and drug trafficking, and other activities that violate US law.

Methane Emissions Mitigation Research and Development Act
This would create a program to encourage innovation that allows us to better detect and mitigate methane emissions, which is one of the leading contributors to global warming.

Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration Act of 2023
Our clean energy transition is dependent on long-distance transition lines that can transport electricity from where it is generated to where it can be used. Sean’s Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration Act of 2023 would direct the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to issue rules to modernize and restructure our long-distance energy grid.

Stop Sexual Harassment in K-12 Act
This bill empowers schools to uphold their students’ Title IX rights, making schools a safer place to learn and grow, free from sexual misconduct in the classroom.

Educators Expense Deduction Modernization Act of 2023
Far too many teachers are expected to purchase classroom supplies without reimbursement. This legislation increases the tax deduction for educators for out-of-pocket classroom expenses from $250 to $1,000, and index the deduction to inflation to ensure it stays level with rising costs.

Fair Calculations in Civil Damages Act of 2023
Sean’s Fair Calculations in Civil Damages Act would prohibit courts from considering race, ethnicity, gender, or religion, or actual/perceived sexual orientation when calculating damages in civil lawsuits.

IDs for an Inclusive Democracy Act
Sean’s IDs for an Inclusive Democracy Act would create a free federal photo ID, ensuring that the 26 million Americans currently without an ID can open a bank account, obtain housing, and visit urgent care centers.

Period PROUD (Providing Resources for Our Underserved and Disadvantaged)
Sean’s Period PROUD Act would help 22 million people living in poverty gain access to menstrual products.

Chief Risk Officer Enforcement and Accountability Act
This legislation ensures large banks employ a Chief Risk Officer to help mitigate future risk.

COVER Act of 2023
Sean’s bipartisan COVER Act provides a $5/acre crop insurance discount to farmers who plan cover crops, incentivizing this critical soil health practice.

Gun Trafficker Detection Act
In Illinois, far too many guns used in crimes come from out of state. To help slow down gun trafficking, Sean’s bill would require gun owners to report their firearm as lost or stolen within 48 hours.

People Over Petroleum Act
This bill would eliminate some of the most notable tax subsidies enjoyed by fossil fuel companies and instead use the funds to provide a $500 direct cash rebate to American consumers to help them pay their energy bills.

Pell Grant Sustainability Act
This legislation would index Pell Grants to inflation, helping making higher education more affordable for thousands of families.

ESP Family Leave Act
This bill would require that education support professions qualify for FMLA benefits without risk of losing their job.

Equal Voices Act
Up until 1911, the House of Representatives regularly expanded to account for a growing population. As a result of this practice ending, our government is far less representative than it should be. Sean’s bill would increase the size of the House by dividing the national population by the population of the least-populated state, thus ensuring that each representative represents a similarly-sized constituency, proportionally bringing the size of the House more in line with prior levels.

Restoring Judicial Separation of Powers Act
This bill restores the U.S. Supreme Court’s jurisdiction to align with Article III of the Constitution and creates a 13-judge multi-circuit panel that would be randomly chosen to hear cases involving the United States or a Federal agency, federal law, or the functions of executive orders.

House Judiciary Resolution 23
Sean introduced a resolution to require 12 Senators additional to be elected nationwide through ranked choice voting, and for the addition of 12 Electors-at-large for President and Vice President that would cast their ballots for the candidates which won the national popular vote.


In Congress, leading letters is a powerful way for members to signal their priorities and the priorities of the people they represent. Through his letters, Sean has led the country in advocating for policies that benefit the people of IL-06, building diverse coalitions of members of Congress across the country. Below is a collection of letters that Rep. Casten has led since 2019.

Gun Violence

Sean led a letter urging Members of House Leadership to take action on pending gun violence prevention legislation in the face of the worsening gun violence epidemic.

Oil and Gas Subsidies

Sean sent a letter to House leadership urging them to pair a direct cash rebate for consumers with a repeal of some of the hundreds of billions in direct and indirect tax subsidies flowing to oil and gas companies.

Climate change

Sean sent a letter to Chairman Glick of FERC to Realign Incentives to Promote Deployment of Advanced Transmission Technologies.

Sean sent a letter to President Biden urging his administration to lead the restarting of bicameral reconciliation negotiations recognizing climate provisions as a key starting point where common ground can be pursued.

U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) submitted a comment letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s request for public comment on climate disclosures, highlighting several climate-related financial priorities for the Commission to consider.

Postal Board

Sean led a letter with the Illinois Democratic Congressional Delegation calling on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Chairman Gary Peters (D-MI) to prioritize the swift confirmation of President Biden’s Nominees to the Postal Board of Governors.

Sean led fourteen Democratic members of the Illinois Congressional delegation in urging Postmaster General DeJoy to take corrective action against the recent operational changes, including the elimination of overtime and a reduction in mail sorting and processing hours, which have led to significant delays in the delivery of letters and packages to Illinoisans.

Sean sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi requesting strong support for the United States Postal Service in forthcoming COVID-19 relief legislation.


Sean sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging the expansion of Medicare to include dental, vision, and hearing services in the Build Back Better Act.

Foreign Affairs

U.S. Congressman Sean Casten joined 138 House Democrats in a letter to President Biden calling for him and his Administration to boldly lead and take decisive action to immediately end the violence in Israel and Gaza.

Sean a letter urging the Biden administration to take steps to create a robust resettlement program for Ukrainian refugees within the United States, including raising the refugee cap, ensuring that Ukrainians are eligible for priority resettlement, and expediting applications for humanitarian immigration programs.


Sean led more than 114 Democrats in sending a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to abolish the filibuster and enshrine reproductive rights into law and ensure a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions.


​​Led a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Jay Clayton and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) President Robert Cook pressing them on how they are protecting inexperienced investors on online trading platforms.

Money Brought to the District

Rep. Casten is directly bringing money back to IL-06 and Illinois.

Over $4M directly to constituents
Through our strong casework team, we have helped deliver over $4M back to constituents.

$513.6M in Funding for Metra
The American Rescue Plan funds will allow Metra to continue providing a low-carbon transportation service critical to the region’s 8.6 million residents. The funds are intended to help transit agencies around the country maintain service and keep workers on the payroll as communities continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

$1 Billion in New Funding for Roads and Bridges
New federal funding under the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to create good-paying jobs for Illinoisans while improving roads and bridges across the state.

$94 Million for Midway and O’Hare
New federal funding under the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is headed to Illinois to make much-needed improvements to O’Hare and Midway airports.

$14.7 million in transportation funding projects for Illinois’ 6th Congressional district
The legislation proposes transformational investments in our roads, bridges, transit, rail, and wastewater and drinking water infrastructure to modernize our infrastructure, create jobs, and reduce carbon pollution.

$900,000 for Energy Startups in the Midwest
Midwest Regional Innovation Partnership, a project by Clean Energy Trust, Centrepolis Accelerator at Lawrence Technological University, mHUB, and Spark Innovation Center, was selected for an award of over $900,000 from the Energy Program for Innovation Clusters (EPIC).

$29 million in emergency funding for colleges, universities, and students in Illinois’ 6th Congressional District
The funding will help local institutions cope with the severe financial fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and continue serving their students safely. At least half of the funding each institution receives will be distributed in the form of emergency cash assistance grants to students who are facing hunger, homelessness, and other hardship. Schools receiving funding were: Elgin Community College: $17,521,163, North Central College: $6,520,089 and Wheaton College: $5,227,217.

$614,000 for Deer Park Boulevard
Deer Park Boulevard is a main thoroughfare in the current IL-06. This funding will be used to repair it.

$500,000 for Barrington – Pedestrian Grade Separation at Main Street and the Canadian National Railroad
Sean secured funding to build a Pedestrian Grade Seperation at Main Street and the Canadian National Railroad, which would allow pedestrians to safely cross the street without interrupting traffic.

$197,644 for Bridges Communities
For 33 years, Bridge Communities has been serving extremely low to low income homeless families, mostly single mothers with two or more children. This funding will be used to rehab current space and provide safe, clean and affordable housing for families.

$3,000,000 for 360 Youth Services – Youth Affordable Housing Resource Center
The funding would be used as a Youth Affordable Housing Resource Center to provide youth-specific housing and homelessness prevention services in DuPage, Kane, Will and surrounding counties. 360 Youth Services provides a regional access point for trauma-informed mental health care, crisis intervention, family services, vocational training, educational support, rental assistance, legal aid and LGBTQ+ affirming services.

$1,080,000 for Downers Grove Sanitary District for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
The funding would be used for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation in Downers Grove.

$785,000 for Village of Burr Ridge for Stormwater Management Improvements
Sean secured funding to improve stormwater management in Burr Ridge beneath Elm Street, preventing the collapse of a pipe that would impact local schools.

$750,000 for Morton Arboretum for an Urban Forestry Project
Sean secured funding for a project that will allow Morton Arboretum to diversify the urban forestry and improve the ability to plant and care for trees.

$500,000 Community College District 502 Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Health Sciences Program
Sean secured funding to better prepare students for careers in health care.

$250,000 for DuPage Regional Office of Education, Wheaton, IL for high school work-based learning
Sean secured funding to better prepare high school students for jobs in manufacturing and other trades.

$250,000 for Boys & Girls Clubs of Dundee Township, Carpentersville, IL
Sean secured funding that will be used to run programs to help address learning loss and social-emotional learning needs for students caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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